Friday, November 29, 2013


Surgery has come and gone, it went well.  It took 94 minutes Dr. Landers told Gene from first incision to finish.  Gene and our Daughter Tracey were there waiting for me when I came out of recovery.  There was very little pain, of course I was still coming out of anesthesia.  Over all  I did very well in the pain department, I took oral pain meds for the first 3 days,  the most pain came from the gas they pump into you to give the Doc room to work.  I was up and walking the same day.  The worst part of being in the hospital is that someone is always checking on you every hour and it's hard to get any sleep.  The care I received from Group Health and Overlake Hospital was great.  I ended up being in the hospital 2 extra days due to fluid building up in my lungs causing Congestive Heart Failure (CHF) 2 days on Lasix took care of that and I came home on Sunday afternoon.  I've not had to take any pain meds since the Saturday Night before I came home.  Gene is taking very good care of me and making sure I don't overdo.  I am down 10 lbs. and I am amazed at the difference it's made in how I feel, no shortness of breath at the least exertion, my pain in my back  5 minutes into doing something.

I can not remember how long it's been since I was able to stand at my kitchen counter and prepare and cook a meal with out needing to sit on a stool, 5-10 minuets in and my back was in severe pain, had to wash and rinse dishes in stages.  Cleaning and sweeping floors was next to impossible.  Yesterday Gene and I spent a very quiet day at home.  I prepped and cooked homemade enchiladas, making my own homemade enchilada sauce for Gene, standing at my kitchen counter.   No sitting and no back pain.  Did it again today.  In fact taking Tylenol numerous times a day was the norm for me because of pain, almost any exertion at all was cause for aches and pains.  I have not had lower back pain at all since coming home.  Many of you know that as we get older the old bladder acts up and we are quite prone to leaking shall we say as we go from sitting to standing, and that has not been a problem at all since surgery.

Today Gene and I went on our first outing since coming home, going to the VA for his Dr's. appointment, usually by the time we get there he has to drop me off at the canteen which has the nearest bathroom.  It is then a chore to walk from the canteen next door to the hospital for his appointment with out being short of breath and having to make a stop or two.  Today no drop off at the canteen, no problem with shortness of breath or pain walking from the parking lot to the front door and all around the hospital.  Gene's appointment went very well except for the fact that his PA is retiring and she has been such a special part of our lives since taking Gene to the VA the day after we got here with congestive heart failure. (CHF)  She has done so much to care for him that he has lost 71 lbs. and no longer has CHF along with his heart PA.  We will miss her and her care for him very much.

I am slowly making the transition from clear liquids to a full liquid diet to include soups and sugar free puddings etc. and then go into pureed foods.  I had no problem cooking for Gene and wanting to taste my sauce before giving it to him, it sure smelt good but not even a finger tip in it.  The two worst problems I have are taking my pills one at a time because my tummy is so small so it's take 1 pill, wait 10 minutes for it to start to dissolve and then do it over again.  The second is I miss chewing on something solid.  By the way I no longer have to take my oral meds for Diabetes, just my insulin which will slowly decrease as I lose more weight.  After the walking went so well today tomorrow it's time to get on the treadmill and see how long I can go, 5 minutes has been my length of time before the shortness of breath and pain kicked in.

Over all it has been a very successful week, I feel better than I've felt in a long time.  I told Gene this morning that I don't know whether it makes any sense or not that I feel better in my skin and my clothes.

God is indeed good in all things.  Thank you all so much for your prayers and support.


Tuesday, November 19, 2013

The Day Before Surgery!

Gene spent hours setting up his photo studio in our family room on Sunday taking my pre-surgery pictures.  It was really an eye opener  seeing those pictures straight on and side and back views.  I've included a few of them for Posterity.  this will be a very short post as Gene is anxious to get going and so am I. 

Much Love and appreciation to you all for prayer and good thoughts.  I check in at 6:20 am and don't know exact surgery time yet.

In His Love,


Friday, November 15, 2013

It's almost Here!

This post is much longer than they will be in the future. To get my reasons know for choosing to take this measure and the thought and preparation that went into it.

But I preface this first, it is now time finally for surgery after having to postpone it due to a stroke and a Dr.'s delay.
Surgery will be on Wednesday Nov 20th.  I don't have the time yet and won't until the day before.  I will be in the hospital for 2 nights and 3 days at Overlake Hospital in Bellevue, Washington  My surgery is being done through Group Health HMO which has been there every step of the way, providing me with a thorough physical workup, a psych workup, EKG and plenty of blood work done.  Not to mention the MRI due to the Stroke and having me wait for 3 months after to do the surgery.  I have also been going to their Bariactric Support Group since February and been a member of their online support group since then.  I have read everything Group Health has given me plus much more and feel  I am ready to start a new life and make some serious changes in m our lives.  Gene has been wonderful through this whole process going to every Doctor's appointment with me in supporting and backing me up.  For that I am very grateful.  Now to back up a bit about how this all came about.

I had decided to go public earlier this year with the fact that I'm preparing to have Roux- EN-Y gastric bypass surgery.  After talking  to all of my family members and a few extended  family members including my 3 adult grandchildren and getting support from all of them I went public with this on Facebook more for my self than anyone else's approval.  I was overwhelmed by the show of support and prayers from friends, some of whom I haven't seen in 7 years.  I mentioned that I might do a blog of my Journey through this which will be a five year program, I was encouraged by many to start a blog so here it is.  First of all I want to clear up a few myths about Gastric Bypass Surgery, it's true many years ago it was very dangerous and we've all heard stories about bad things happening to a friend of a friend or somebody you no.  Bariatric surgery has come a long way since the 60's, there are now 3 different types of surgery, the Roux-en-y is the procedure I am having, 2nd is the Gastric Sleeve and the 3rd is the Lap-Band.  All three of these procedures can be done by Laparoscopic Procedure.   In very few cases during the Roux-en-y procedure may have to convert to an open -bypass.  Most people who decide to have weight loss surgery these days are at least 100 lbs. overweight which I am and I am considered morbidly obese.  They have heart problems, Are type 2 diabetics, they have issues with shortness of breath, trouble with severe pain in hips, lower back pain, the slightest exertion such as running a vacuum or sweeping the floor will do them under.   Walking a block is about all I can do before pain sets in and I am wiped out.  We are prone to High Blood Pressure , and High Cholesterol. I have all of the above issues.  I have all put a great deal of research time in.  By the time we have decided to resort to Surgery we have made up our minds that the rewards are worth more than the risks.  Once that decision has been made  we're pretty sure it's the right thing to do.  We don't want to hear negatives.  Enough of that!   The biggest Myth about Weight Loss surgery is that it's a cop out, an easy way out.  It's not it is a whole change of life, it's a lot of work and a 5 year Commitment.  You have to be in the right state of mind and be committed.  It's learning all new healthy eating habits and how to maintain after you reach your goal weight.  Another myth is that you can never eat out at a Restaurant again, or eat normal food ever again.  Simply not true, After reaching a point you go to eating much smaller amounts of real food and much healthier foods. 

On November 12, 2012 at a checkup I asked my doctor about surgery and he thought it would be good for me to investigate so he put in a referral for surgery  through my Group Health Insurance.  I told Gene I simply can not live like this anymore.  I want to be able to do the things I used to do.  I want to be there to see my great grandchildren, and I have one now and expecting  2 more in March.  I want to be able to get on the floor and play with them.  I want Gene and I to be able to do lots of things we simply can't do now because of my health.  The past two years have seen two surgeries to have stents put in my heart,  3 shots of insulin a day.  More prescriptions than anyone should have to take. I now take 21 pills a day, a Nitro Patch each day, carry nitro glycerin pills  for Angina.  Gene carries with us all the time a special shot of glucogan to give me when and if I pass out because my sugars go to low which happens quite frequently and has led to calls 911 and several trips by ambulance to the hospital.  After my referral was approved I had a telephone interview and my records were studied I was approved for surgery.    I was sent a 98 page book to study and read from cover to cover more than once.  I had already read hundreds of pages from Group Health website, joined their on-line support group.  Group health has been very thorough in checking me out to make sure it's safe to have surgery.  I have had lots of blood work done, X-rays, a psych evaluation done, pulmonary tests, urine studies, and I have attended my first monthly support group meeting.  It was very exciting to hear from other people who were 2 weeks out of surgery to people 3 years out.  What works, what doesn't.  Most people wished they had done it years ago, a lot of meds are no longer needed.  Diabetes is reversed. Pain is gone.  That is what I need to do and I can't wait to be healthy and vital again.

I'm going to start this a few years back, say maybe 45 years back.  As a kid I was always small and short.  As I grew into a young woman I was petite in size and in height.  I had my first child at 19 and when I went to the hospital to deliver our daughter I weighed 110 lbs.  Having our second child a son 16 months later again I weighed at the time of delivery 110lbs.  Then 5 years later our 2nd daughter came along and I weighed 110lbs. at delivery.  Now mind you in these days 20 lbs was the max that Doctors wanted you to gain during pregnancy.  Those babies are now 47, 45, and  40 with grown babies of their own now.  In 1970 my marriage came apart and I was still a trim 115 lbs.   In 1973 I meet a wonderful man and I could still fit into a size 5.  In 1975 I married the love of my life my husband of 38 years this year.  My mother made my wedding dress and it was a size 6.

I would appreciate your good thoughts and prayers.  Linda Pardee and Family